










November 2023 Issue


Wishes that reach us every year, at Eitai Sutra memorial service (Eitaikyo Hoya time), I think of loved ones who have passed and their wishes for us.

Eitaikyo in Jodo Shinshu Denomination is sutra reciting which is conducted on shotsuki-meinichi (the anniversaries of one’s death after the first anniversary) and at Higan-e in spring and autumn and its purpose is to thank the ancestors.

The other day, a follower of the Fukujyuji Temple told me this story.

When my mother was alive, I used to be fed up with her whenever she asked me to go pay respect at (temple/family tomb) at each religious service. I used to make excuses like, “I have to work and can’t find time to go.” She used to counter that with “If you come with me, I’ll pay you 5000 yen.” She once demanded “When I die, will you recite nembutsu?” I found her diary after her death and all she ever wrote about was how she was worried about me.

Feeling sad and remorseful, I started to visit the temple. It is only now that 14 years have passed that my mother is cajoling me who never used to put my hands together in nembutsu to visit the temple and is looking out for me. This follower experienced a sad farewell with his parent, but through nembutsu, is acknowledging his mother’s wish and continuing to meet it.

Our loved ones who have become buddha in the land of Buddha, is using all kinds of ways to send their caring heart to us. By listening to the teaching of Amida Buddha, we are taught the way to meet with our loved ones who have passed on.

What do you think of this column? Did you find something you can relate to?

When you are young and healthy, you might consider temple visits and Buddhist ceremonies something irrelevant. It is when you lose loved ones, as well as feeling the loss, you realise that you were raised and looked after by them, how they taught you many things.

This month, we conduct Eitaikyo Service. Eitaikyo was began to ensure that nembutsu is passed on from generation to generation.

Let us all attend Eitaikyo Hoya to show our gratitude to Buddha, to our ancestors who have passed on the teachings of Buddha and taught us to put our hands together to Buddha.

光明山 福住寺
