











December 2023 Issue

Time flies so fast

When I look back on this year, it was a year of many sad incidents and accidents. There are on-going wars in some countries.

Also, the changes to our living conditions such as global warming and price hikes of various things are making the hardship of life even bigger.

There is a proverb that says, "Time flies like an arrow."Rennyo Shonin said “Life goes quickly”.Literally, they mean that times pass quickly and people’s lives pass quickly.

While I have been sharing this feeling of how quickly time passes with many people, I had this conversation with a follower of Fukujyuji Temple.

In the Buddhist writing, there is a sentence that goes “Life goes quickly”.Meaning that our lives pass quickly. The follower said “Then we must do something."

I said “Please visit the temple as often as possible and listen to the Teaching of Amida Buddha.Rennyo Shonin, the 8th head priest of Hongwanji said “We do not know when our lives end. Do not assume you will see tomorrow."More than anything else, hurry to listen to the Teaching of Amida Buddha.

Lives are limited and we live self centeredly and suffer with our narrow minds. Let us listen to the eternally wide, deep and sacred teachings of Amida Buddha and visit the temple.Our lives that we sadly think end when we die, will lead us to the great Jodo (the Land of Amida Buddha).

光明山 福住寺
